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The Organization for Biodiversity Certificates unites companies, NGOs and scientific experts to achieve our common objective : creating an operational tool for the evaluation of local positive biodiversity impacts. OBC was co-founded by aDryada and Le Printemps des Terres, in collaboration with Carbone 4 and the French National Museum of Natural History.

This demonstrates that ongoing actions are ineffective in tackling this major crisis driven by anthropogenic activities.

(source: IPBES, 2019)

A variety of actors are initiating biodiversity actions such as reducing the quantity of pesticides used or restoring hectares of forest or mangroves. But they still face a pressing issue: they are unable to evaluate the local positive impacts on ecosystems they are generating, or financing, in the absence of a suitable measurement tool.



milliards per year

(source: Global Canopy)

are necessary to stop biodiversity erosion before 2030. Government participation is essential but won’t be enough. Companies and organizations worldwide play a key role in its mitigation by reducing their impacts and creating positive value for nature.

If they are willing to take action to protect and restore ecosystems, market actors are lacking a powerful accounting mechanism to evaluate the positive effects of their local actions on biodiversity.

Rather than assessing the global corporate impact with a top-down approach like some existing tools, OBC is designing a field-based bottom-up assessment initiative that will allow for an accurate representation of local impacts.

OBC is striving at supporting and uplifting biodiversity actions by establishing a biodiversity crediting system as efficient and structured as the voluntary carbon market. Our work is focused on providing a framework, a recognized measure, and market rules to generate and value positive local impacts on ecosystems.

Our intention is also to enable the emergence of mixed carbon-biodiversity projects in order to favor initiatives that foster restoration with diverse native species and ultimately discriminate the carbon credits with a low or negative value for biodiversity.

The 8 Key Values of the Organization for Biodiversity Certificates


Our primary goal is to serve the cause of biodiversity. It will be the main condition for all our decision-making, especially methodological.


Our market mechanism and methodologies must also be beneficial to the people, in particular to local communities. We want to preserve nature with humanity, not against it.


All of our publications are open source.


We want to gather a variety of expertise and perspectives in order to collectively develop the best possible mechanism.


The scientific community productions are our main reference for the construction of our mechanism.


We want to develop a mechanism that is complex enough to be robust, yet simple and operational enough to be developed on a large scale.


Our mechanism must be part of the ecosystem of biodiversity initiatives, and we will work in a collaborative manner.


We promote a biodiversity action that goes far beyond the financing of certificates, and we will be very careful that the development of our mechanism does not occur at the expense of other essential actions for biodiversity.


aDryada is a France-based developer of carbon credits projects of high environmental and biodiversity value. It operates in several countries such as Ivory Coast, Brazil, and France on large scale project of reforestation and restoration. Its expertise in the voluntary carbon market and the restoration of ecosystems is key to the development of the biodiversity certificates market and the evaluation of biodiverse projects.

Le Printemps des Terres, a mission-driven company, is supporting French farmers in their transition towards a sustainable agriculture that enhances soil and water quality, is adapted to climate change and protects biodiversity. As a powerful actor of environmental restoration in France, it brings OBC its scientific knowledge as well as concrete projects to test OBC assessement tool.


Carbone 4 is a French independent consultancy dedicated to climate change and biodiversity. They make connections between scientific excellence and the business world, and develop science-based methodologies that help all stakeholders to understand tomorrow’s world and define strategies that ensure durability and resilience in a world subject to a changing climate, a disappearing biodiversity and finite resources.

The Museum of Natural History is one of the oldest scientific French institutions studying Nature and the Earth. It strives for biodiversity conservation and research in a variety of fields. Through the Museum and other channels, it aims at disseminating scientific knowledge and educating the public about conservation issues. Through its collaboration with OBC, the Museum’s scientific expertise will drive our work to evaluate biodiversity impact, ecosystem functioning, species conservation, and habitat restoration.

Of the Bureau


Fabiola Flex


Louisiane Guézel


Sylvain Goupille


Benjamin d’Hardemare


Matthieu de Lesseux


Hortense Wiart


Caroline Duhesme


Thomas Rabant