Pionner member, Pernod Ricard presents OBC during its event « Nature is everyone’s business »
« Nature is everyone’s business! How companies can help regenerate nature and biodiversity ». This is the title of the event that was organized on the 13th of December by Pernod Ricard, one of OBC’s pioneer members. The large panel of speakers – including notably scientists (Léa Lugassy, Pour une agriculture du Vivant, Dr. Radhika Murti, UICN) and representatives of private groups committed to regenerating nature in their practices (Yoann Regent, Kering, Pierre Helwi, Martell Mumm Perrier-Jouët etc.) agreed on a key conclusion : it’s time for action, and companies can do a lot. Fabio Ferrari, CEO of aDryada and President of OBC, could explain how biodiversity certificates would be an efficient lever for their initiatives, providing the ambition of efficiency is also dressed in a few precautions (no “compensation” but “positive actions”, scientific consensus etc.). Thanks to Vanessa Wright, Chief Sustainability Officer, and Morgane Yvergniaux, Global Head of Sustainable Terroirs of Pernod Ricard, for supporting the association.